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Our Story

A new current in Silicon Valley.

In 2015, Pastor David had a 'moment of calling' from God to start Current. While driving one day, he clearly felt the Lord's presence. Given this was not an everyday experience, David took the opportunity to ask God a question he and Cindy had been praying for months. "Lord, what do you want us to do next?” Immediately he felt the answer.  

He saw a river, and the thought came to him, "If life is like a flowing river, then there is a strong current in the Silicon Valley to find ultimate purpose, value, and meaning in things like career, resume stats, or 'making it big.' But Jesus said, 'Whoever believes in me, as the scriptures teach, from within them will flow rivers of living water.'" (John 7:38)

In other words, there's a new 'current' in Jesus. There is abundant life both now and forevermore when we find our ultimate purpose, value, and meaning in him. This is what we believe and offer as a community following Jesus together.

Our Vision

Love God. Love One Another. Love the World

Love God

Our focus is on Jesus and growing a deep, personal relationship with him. Not a list of dos and don'ts. 


It's easy to let the noise of cultural Christianity distract us from the gospel. Our desire at Current is to get out of the way as best we can so that people can focus on Jesus, the one who laid down his life, that we might have life, and extend life and love to others. We strive to grow in our love for Him, who He is, and what He has done for us, because as Jesus taught, when we do so, 'our lives will be transformed from the inside-out.' (Matthew 23:26).


Love One Another

We live life together.
Authentic relationships matter.

Silicon Valley is a transient and technology-centric culture that often leaves people feeling disconnected or lonely. Understanding this, we make community a top priority. From our Sunday gatherings to small groups to neighborhood events and sports leagues, Current's goal is to foster meaningful, Christ-centered relationships. We want to be a community that not only asks, "how are you doing?" but also, "how are you really doing?"

Love the World

The church is not just for us; we are called to make a difference in the world. 


If there was ever a person who changed the world, it’s Jesus. And he calls his followers to do the same today, investing their efforts not in what rust and moth can destroy but in relationships that can last forever. At Current, we actively serve our city and the people God puts in our lives for the sake of moving people toward Jesus. We want to be invested in the good of society and reflect God’s love for the world. Learn more about our partnerships here.

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